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Double Experience Sign with Drakkar Entertainment

Writer's picture: ColfaxColfax

Double Experience signs with German label Drakkar Entertainment, distributed by Soulfood.

Double Experience are a Canadian duo who combine modern rock sounds with a geeky worldview that is all their own. As an independent band, Ottawa-based Ian Nichols and Brock Tinsley have played on the hardest music industry settings. We are more than happy to welcome this up-and-coming band on board and join them on their quest to bring quality rock music to the people.

"Throughout our band's career, we have endeavored to push the envelope of the listener experience,” says Nichols. “This objective has resulted in everything from our quirky subject matter to our collectible musical trading cards.”

Tinsley adds, “We searched high and low for a team that wasn't handcuffed by 'the way things used to be'; a team that could empower Double Experience to make the next record of our dreams. Drakkar is that team."

“It’s not every day that you discover a band willing to understand the music industry and its mechanisms, let alone adapt to and work with them. To top it all off Double Experience are excellent musicians with a knack for catchy songs and unusual, but accessible themes. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them live at this year’s Reeperbahn Festival (Canada House) and can wholeheartedly say that people are in for a treat, when Double Experience enter the stage!” – Jonathan Geschwill (Drakkar Entertainment)

Off the stage, band members Nichols (vocals, bass) and Tinsley (guitar) deliver band-oriented workshops and panel discussions at conferences, congresses and festivals (IndieWeek, MAGFest, Ottawa ComicCon), sharing their knowledge with other emerging bands and artists, about how to handle today's music industry and what ways and means there are. Double Experience have the know-how of over 700 played concerts, in more than 16 countries, under their belt and already released music on their own. They are supported by Colfax Music Ltd, a multi faceted Canadian music company dedicated to artist education and development, beginning within the High School system and continuing as the artists develop into fully fledged musicians.

Check out Double Experience:

Double Experience unterschreiben bei Drakkar Entertainment!

Double Experience ist ein kanadisches Duo, das modernen Rock mit einer ganz eigenen Weltanschauung kombiniert. Als unabhängige Band spielten die aus Ottawa stammenden Ian Nichols und Brock Tinsley bisher auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad der Musikindustrie.

Wir freuen uns, dass wir diese aufstrebende Band einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich machen dürfen und sie auf ihrem weiteren Weg begleiten.

"Throughout our band's career, we have endeavored to push the envelope of the listener experience”, says Nichols. “This objective has resulted in everything from our quirky subject matter to our collectible musical trading cards.”

Tinsley adds: “We searched high and low for a team that wasn't handcuffed by 'the way things used to be'; a team that could empower Double Experience to make the next record of our dreams. Drakkar is that team."

“It’s not every day that you discover a band willing to understand the music industry and its mechanisms, let alone adapt to and work with them. To top it all off Double Experience are excellent musicians with a knack for catchy songs and unusual, but accessible themes. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them live at this year’s Reeperbahn Festival (Canada House) and can wholeheartedly say that people are in for a treat, when Double Experience enter the stage!” – Jonathan Geschwill (Drakkar Entertainment)

Abseits der Bühne bieten die Bandmitglieder Nichols (Gesang, Bass) und Tinsley (Gitarre) u.a. bei Konferenzen, Kongressen und Festivals (IndieWeek, MAGFest, Ottawa ComicCon) bandorientierte Workshops und Diskussionsrunden an. Dort teilen sie ihr Wissen mit anderen aufstrebenden Bands und Künstlern, wie man sich in der heutigen Musiklandschaft platziert und welche Wege und Mittel es dafür gibt. Zurückgreifen können Double Experience dabei auf die Erfahrung von über 700 gespielten Konzerten, in mehr als 16 Ländern, und einigen Veröffentlichungen in Eigenregie.

Unterstützt werden sie dabei von Colfax Music Ltd, einem vielseitig-ausgerichteten kanadischen Musikunternehmen, das sich der Ausbildung und Entwicklung von Künstlern widmet.

Mehr zu Double Experience:

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